In-Service Robotic Tank Inspections
Meet API 653 Inspection Requirements
Manta’s in-service robotic systems are ideal for tank owners looking for an in-service inspection that meets API 653 inspection requirements, while avoiding unwanted costs of out-of-service inspections.
Save Time & Money
Our technology helps save tank owners time and money, while meeting API 653 inspection requirements. Providing tank owner’s a safe and efficient non-destructive testing (NDT) inspection for large hydrocarbon storage tanks.
Class I Div. I Certified
Manta’s ROV’s have undergone extensive third-party testing and have successfully been issued Class I Div. I Group D certification/s. These certifications allow our equipment to safely operate in volatile conditions such as, gasoline, fuel oil, etc....
Robotic Systems

What is an In-Service API 653 inspection?
An in-service API 653 inspection is a tank floor integrity inspection performed using remotely operated vehicles. The advantage is the tank can remain full and in-service over the course of the inspection.
In a traditional API-653 floor inspection the tank is drained, cleaned, and degassed. This requires the tank to be taken out of service and in some cases, out of production. An in-service API 653 inspection can be performed at any time and has little impact on the facility and its operations.